Guardian (Daughters Of The Gods, Book 2) Page 4
She had forgotten what it was like to live. To laugh even. Lelantos suckled her bottom lip and pulled back.
“If you turn me down tonight, I think I’ll die.”
Cat turned and hailed a cab, summoning it with her will. Tonight Lelantos was safe, not that being in her bed was ever an overly harmless option for anyone lucky enough to get there. “Not tonight, Lenny. Come with me,” she said, opening the cab’s door. Lelantos smiled, and the breath in her lungs caught. He looked so carefree and young. Just a man out on a date, enjoying himself.
Cat shuffled in beside him and just as they drove away; she saw Hermes come out onto the pavement. She flicked her wrist and watched as her brother flew back and hit the building with a resounding thud. She turned to Lelantos, content in the knowledge her brother wouldn’t follow to create a public scene. “I meant what I said before. You should probably stay away from me. I’m trouble.”
“I was born for trouble.”
Lelantos kissed her and she welcomed the slow glide of seduction he was bestowing on her. Cat chuckled as he flicked the strap of her dress off her shoulder and started to kiss her there.
“I’ll bet you were,” she said.
Cat pushed Lelantos away and ordered the driver to take them to the Astoria. Lelantos raised a brow and she knew what he was thinking. That she didn’t trust him enough to take him to her home. “I’m not a local, remember? I told you, didn’t I?” she asked, wondering if she had. “So we’ll have to make do with my hotel instead.”
His eyes burned and Cat shifted on her seat as heat pooled between her legs. Sitting in that cab, she could almost forget she was an immortal, the daughter of a god. Could imagine for just one night she was a woman who was about to thoroughly enjoy the man who sat beside her, taut with need and all but restraining himself from taking her here and now.
The image of having sex in a car with him almost made her groan. To have his large hands and muscular arms guide her to absolute pleasure was something she knew she’d enjoy. And if the bulge in his pants was any indication, he was...nicely endowed. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on him and take him any way she liked.
The car pulled up before the hotel. As she wasn’t actually staying there, she had to use her powers to will the doorman and reception staff to greet her and hand over the key to an unoccupied room. The last thing she wanted was for Zeus or Hermes to arrive and ruin her little sexual tête-à-tête. Not that she expected Zeus to, as he was the one who had said for her to gain Lelantos’ trust in any way she could. She was merely doing as she was told.
Lelantos’ hand held steadfast against the base of her back as they walked toward the elevators and she remained silent while they waited. Desire all but burned between them and Cat could feel the effect to the very pit of her soul. Her skin tingled, and her expectation was heavy. Never had she ever been so turned on by anyone.
At this stage she’d be lucky to make the room.
The elevator door opened and Cat smiled at Lelantos’ reflection in the mirrored back wall. He didn’t smile, just kept his dark, hooded orbs focused on her and she shivered. Cat willed the other people waiting to take the lift to walk on and avoid the lift. Lelantos stood beside her, his body thrumming with energy and pent up sexual need. Unable to wait, Cat turned to him as soon as the door closed and gasped when he yanked her into his arms and pushed her hard up against the side of the lift.
She moaned when he clasped her thighs and wrapped them about his hips. All that separated them were her tiny pair of barely-there knickers and Lelantos kissed her, hard. Showed her through his hardened touch that she was his for the taking and there was no going back.
Not that Cat wished to anyway. With every glide of tongue, he undulated against her sex and never had she wanted so much to demand that someone should rip her clothes off and put her out of her misery. His fingers clasped hard against her skin, their bodies unable to get close enough.
Cat reached between them and slid her hand against his cock. Lelantos broke the kiss and watched her. His swallow, when she reached further and cradled his balls, was almost audible.
“What floor?”
She kissed him quickly before comprehension dawned. Cat looked to the lifts control panel and smiled when she realized they hadn’t moved. “Twenty-first.”
Lelantos pushed the number then placed his hand back under her bottom. Cat tried to shift closer to his sex, his heat, him, but nothing she knew would douse her desire until he took her.
Again she shivered at the thought. “How long since you’ve been with someone?”
His hand slid down and up her thigh before coming to stop next to her heat. Cat’s toes curled, her body taut with need. She would have him do anything he liked with her, just so long as he wouldn’t stop.
“A while,” he said, sliding a finger under her panties and teasing her sex.
Cat shut her eyes and bit her lip as she tried to form words to ask her next question. “Are you going to do anything with that finger?”
“Would you like me to?” Lelantos hitched her higher against his hips but continued to stare into her eyes. For the first time Cat let go of being in control and settled to just enjoy what he did to her. Would do to her.
“Yes,” she said, her voice husky with desire.
She sighed when he slid inside her, the urge to come coiling her tight as a spring. She clasped his shoulders and moaned when he added a second finger. He teased her slowly, fucked her with his hands at a pace that would drive the most patient immortal female to distraction.
No sooner had he started than he stopped, just as the lift doorbell rang out and then opened. Cat blinked at the man waiting for them to get off. Lelantos bade good evening to the gentleman with a voice that didn’t sound the least bit blind-sided with lust like Cat wanted it to. She checked the room number on the key and started to walk up the passage.
His large frame loomed beside her and left her feeling guarded and desired. Neither emotion was overly common for Cat. She was usually the one guarding gods and the position of hunter in her father’s court didn’t leave a lot of time for desire. Even if most of the gods she knew were as hot as Hades.
“Where are you from, Cat?”
She fumbled with the door lock, her mind scrambling to think of an answer. “I travel around a lot. I really don’t have a set home per se.”
He looked down at her with one eyebrow raised.
Cat smiled to hide her lie. “Don’t you believe me?”
Lelantos wished he could but there was something about her sudden nervousness that warned him of the lie. It didn’t make any sense. She had no reason not to tell him. Unless she still didn’t trust him enough and thought him some raging lunatic who’d hunt her down for some unknown reason in the future and rid her of her life.
“Not particularly,” he said closing the hotel room door behind them. “But what I’d like to know is why would you lie to me? I’m not going to hurt you.”
Pain crossed her features before she moved toward him and draped herself against his chest, her features once again a mask of unsated desire. Lelantos swallowed and pulled her hard against his sex. She smelt divine, exotic and beautiful and something in his gut clenched. Hard.
“I like to travel and see new places. I really don’t have a set home here. And that is the truth.” Cat ran her hand against his chest then started to undo his shirt buttons. Lelantos watched her, his body poised to finally have her. Never had he wanted sex with a human so badly before. Everything she did intoxicated him, made him yearn for her. There was nothing that consumed him more than the thought of sinking into her hot body and riding them both to a pleasurable end.
He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers, allowed the small burn in his gut to ignite and consume them both. Her fingers delved into his hair and held him fast against her. Lelantos made short work of her black dress and stepped back to watch it drop to the ground.
is breath notched in his chest at the delicious sight she made. Her black lacy bra and panties left little to the imagination. She reached behind her back and mesmerized, he watched her bra join her dress on the floor.
Their eyes met, held. Lelantos wasn’t sure if he was capable of speech right at this moment and the need between them burned like flame. He scooped her up into his arms and took her mouth in a searing kiss as he walked toward the bed. She gasped when he threw her onto the soft mattress. Her alabaster colored skin and black underwear stood out against the crimson bed linen.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, kneeling between her legs and leaning over her. He feathered kisses down her neck, enjoying the appreciative little noises she made as he did so.
“You’re very nice as well.”
Lelantos smiled at her reply and wondered what she’d really think if she knew his true identity. In Titan form, he doubted she would think him handsome, a strong, mighty warrior perhaps, a killer or a traitor even, but never good looking. Although there were many Titans who were hideous, he’d been one of the few who had been gifted with the ability to mask his form.
A pain he hadn’t felt for eons pierced his soul. Should he show this beautiful woman his true self, he’d never see her again. And as much as it annoyed him to admit the truth, the lie he lived had run its course. Having lived this way for so many centuries, he now found that living in a world where he played at being a person he was not had lost its allure. He wanted more from life. Once he’d had dreams of a family. A Titan he may have been born, but still he’d yearned to be a father one day. Was a father in fact, but had never had the opportunity to raise his son. Thanks to Zeus. With the demise of his kind, such dreams were ripped away and he could never look back. To do so only created a depth of pain he wasn’t sure he could face.
Cat clasped his face and met his gaze. “Come back to me, Len.”
He shook away his troubled thoughts and concentrated on the women in his arms. Cat moaned when he took her nipple into his mouth and suckled the hardened flesh. Her long legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him hard against her. Her heat and desire singed his cock and he had an overwhelming urge to thrust inside her hot core and take her.
But he could not. Yet. Lelantos reminded himself she was a human and their time tonight would have to be taken with care. The last thing he wished to do would be to hurt the beautiful woman lying pliant before him.
He ran a hand over her stomach and teased her sex. She was wet and ready for him. Her body undulated against his touch. His body hardened further and it took all his control to keep his base animal desires at bay. They had all night. There was no need to rush.
“Please,” she said, her voice tinged with impatience.
It was an impatience he understood well. For days he’d dreamed of having her in this way. Right now, nothing consumed him more than giving this woman all the pleasure he was capable of.
He slid her panties down and sat up to take them off completely. Not a flicker of embarrassment touched her features and Lelantos marveled at her confidence. Reaching out he touched her moist cleft and clenched his jaw when pleasure consumed her face.
“I didn’t think you’d tease me in this way. You’re a cruel man,” she said, biting her lip.
Lelantos came to lay over her and nestled himself between her legs. She wrapped them about his hips and wriggled to try and join them completely. He growled and kissed her quickly, before pulling back to watch her face as he slowly slid into her hot, tight core.
Her eyes closed and he moaned when he sheathed himself fully. Fuck, she was tight. Tighter than he’d ever had before. He started to move, careful not to harm her with his strength. Her fingernails dug into his buttocks, pulling him into her, telling him without words what she wanted.
Lelantos pushed her hands above her head, and held them down against the bedding. With every thrust, a delightful moan escaped her parted lips and drove him to distraction.
“Harder.” She moaned, pulling her hands free and bringing him down to kiss her.
Lelantos did as she bid and gritted his teeth against the urge to come. He wanted to please her. To give Cat as much pleasure as he could. To make what they were doing last as long as possible. But with his every thrust somehow she managed to move, clench him tight and the ability to control himself became hard.
Very hard.
He felt the first tremors of her release spike through her and his self-control snapped. Lelantos looked down at Cat as he rocked into her. Her breasts moved with the action and he leant down to nip her spiked pulse at the base of her neck. She pushed against him, making him go deeper into her sex and he groaned.
“Since the first moment I saw you, I wanted you,” Lelantos said, watching as her emerald green eyes opened and met his. He lost himself in their depths before her mouth lifted into a half smile.
“I knew you’d be mine one day,” she said.
Cat pushed at his chest and Lelantos rolled onto his back. Above him she looked divine. Her sun kissed locks swept over her breasts. She pulled him to touch her there and the breath in his lungs held when she glided a finger down her body to touch her sex.
Lelantos held her hips fast and pushed into her. She moaned and his cock swelled further. His balls ached and never in his life had he wanted to come as much as he did right now. Her body pulled him into a climax he knew he’d long to experience again. He doubted right at this moment that he’d ever have enough of her.
Her sex clamped about him and his self-control broke. Forgetting Cat’s vulnerability as a human, he thrust hard and fast, harder than he ought. She smiled a devilish glint to her eyes that begged him for more. He sat up and rolled over. The swell of her breasts pushed against his chest and he took her lips in a searing kiss. Lelantos moaned, his grip on her hips punishing as he fought not to come.
Cat gasped and then moaned and Lelantos pulled back to watch as a second orgasm took her. Her emerald eyes fluttered closed, her golden hair splayed upon the bedding was something he knew he wanted to see again.
Many times.
Lelantos balls grew taut at the pleasure of joining with her, shooting into her womb. Her fingers clawed into his back as he fucked her to his completion. Sex with Cat was hot, fast and addictive.
She chuckled as he fought to catch his breath. Lelantos rolled to her side and pulled her into the crook of his arm. “Wow,” she said, playing with the muscles on his chest. “I never thought a Titan would be so good in bed.”
Lelantos felt her stiffen as soon as she’d spoken the words. He pulled away from her and jumped out of bed wondering how she knew what he was. “What the fuck did you just call me?”
Cat scrambled out of bed and stood on the opposite side of the room from Lelantos. His face was a mask of rage and confusion. She pushed away the feeling of loss over the fact he no longer looked at her with affection and longing. Now his eyes were hard, his lips set in a thin line.
Her gaze strayed to his heaving chest, his naked form and fisted hands. He was pissed off and if she wasn’t careful their previous encounter during the War of the Gods would be repeated in a hotel room in New York City.
She swallowed, knowing the time for lies had long passed. “I know who you are, Lelantos. I’ve always known.”
His eyes widened before he searched the room for his clothes. He threw on his pants and fumbled with the zipper in his haste. Cat wanted to go to him, help and reassure him that she wasn’t his enemy. And yet she couldn’t. She was the enemy and all too soon he would know the truth about her. Of what she had been sent to do.
“I want your real name and I want it now.”
“My name isn’t important.” Cat swiped her dress off the floor and pulled it over her head. Feelings and confusing thoughts whirled around in her mind. What she should say? What she should do? How to kill him? Save him?
He stormed toward her and pushed her up against the wall. His hands against h
er flesh were like steel bars and yet heat coursed up her veins at his touch. Even in temper she wanted him.
“It is,” he said, the breath of his words warm against her lips.
Her gaze flicked to his mouth. He had lovely lips, supple and just the right size to nip during a sensual kiss.
“Answer me!”
“Caitlin,” she paused testing the strength of his hold, “daughter of Zeus.”
He pushed her away as if the burning flames of Hades leapt from her flesh. Cat watched him storm toward the window to gaze out over the city. His shoulders rose and fell with every breath, the tension across his back flexing his muscles.
“And younger sister to Chloe.”
He shook his head and laughed, the sound ominous. “Why are you here?”
“To kill you.”
He turned about and glared. “Really? And how do you think to manage that? I’m a Titan. A powerful deity just as yourself. I won’t go down without a fight.”
Cat shrugged. “I wouldn’t want you to. I’d hate for you to make it easy for me.” At her words he was silent. She stayed where she was, unsure as to what his reaction would be. But by the predatory gleam in his eyes, something she hadn’t seen before, she knew he wasn’t going to play nice.
“Why bother to fuck me when all you intend is to kill. What was the point of all this shit?” he asked, waving a hand to encompass the space between them.
Something about his stance, which seemed poised for action, put her on guard. Cat shimmered into the form of a goddess, allowed her flowing silk gown and golden robe to replace her black dress, wanting him to see her for who she was. Why, she couldn’t say. Perhaps to stop him from trying to hurt her? To remind him of her power to make him keep his distance? For should he touch her again, kiss her once more, her allegiance toward her father would crumble. The desolate, yet hard look in his eyes tore her in two.